

Reduction of Stamp Duty on Stock Transactions Effective 17 November 2023

Dear Customers,

With reference to the Exchange Circular (Ref: CT/152/23) on 3 November 2023 and the Hong Kong Government Press Release on 15 November 2023, Exchange Participants (EPs) are requested to note that the “Stamp Duty (Amendment) (Stock Transfers) Bill 2023” (the Bill) has been passed by the Legislative Council. The Amendment Ordinance will be published in the Gazette on 16 November 2023 and come into operation on 17 November 2023. Under the Bill, the rate of stamp duty chargeable on a contract note for the sale or purchase of any Hong Kong stock (not being jobbing business) will be reduced from 0.13% to 0.1%.

In view of this, EPs are advised to implement the reduced stamp duty rate from 17 November 2023.

HKEX Announcement:

Luk Fook Financial


為提升客戶使用體驗,交易手機應用程式「六福證券」已於2024年12月1日起停止服務,客戶請盡早下載「六福交易寶」交易手機應用程式繼續進行交易,登入賬戶號碼及密碼則維持不變。詳情請 [按此] 查閱。


为提升客户使用体验,交易手机应用程式「六福证券」已于2024年12月1日起停止服务,客户请尽早下载「六福交易宝」交易手机应用程式继续进行交易,登入账户号码及密码则维持不变。详情请 [按此] 查阅。

Mobile Trading APP “LF Securities” (六福證券) has been ceased service on 1 December 2024

In order to enhance the customer experience, the mobile trading app “LF Securities” (六福證券) has been ceased service on 1 December 2024. Customers are advised to download the “六福交易寶” mobile trading app as soon as possible to continue conducting trading activities. The login account number and password will remain unchanged. Please click [Here] for more detail.